Click the link below to view a 9 minute CADclip on creating the ADT roof you see above.
ADT 2007 Curved Roof (right click and save target as to download)
So once you get the hang of ADT you will inevitably get challenged by creating a Roof that is not made up of standard Flat Sloped surfaces.
We all know you can Auto Project ADT walls up to the underside of an ADT Roof object but did you know that you can 'Auto Project' walls up to basic AutoCAD 3d solids ! Yes you can.
You can also convert an AutoCAD solid object to a Roof Slab object to finish it off !
There are 32 awesome CADclips on the AutoCAD 2007 3D Solid modelling tools here > AutoCAD 2007 3D to get you up to speed on all the AutoCAD 3D modelling.
I'm so pleased with the quality of instructional material provided and it seems every clips has something I can take away and use. I've been using AutoCAD for about 14 years now. I also have worked for AutoDESK as a technical illustrator for the ACAD R14 User's Guide.
I'm teaching my son ACAD at the moment and plan to use your CLIPS to enhance his understanding.
Thanks so much!
Bob Whittington
I'm tring to create a roof line like this in ADT 3.3, but I can't figure out how to conform wall heights to the underside of a curving 3d object. Boolean operations don't seem to work on walls. Suggestions appreciated.
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